Mohsin Mohd Sies


Test 2 - 19th December 2016, 10 am, C25-417, open book (no notes).

Test 2 Solution

HW 1 Solution


HW2 - Fundamentals-Sonntag 7.26, 7.48, 7.66, 7.96, 8.5, 8.19, 8.21, 8.29

HW 3 - Cengel 12.20, 12.62, 12.67, 12.69, 12.72, 12.78, 12.79, 12.82, 12.88 download from here

MARKS   Test 2 Marks



Exercise Problems (Sonntag, Fundamentals 3rd Ed.)
Thermo Relations (Chap 10) - 10.11, 10.20, 10.21, 10.41, 10.49, 10.55
Mixtures & Solutions (Chap 11) - 11.3, 11.8, 11.33, 11.37, 11.39, 11.40

1st Law

  1. Write a computer program to solve the following problem. An insulated tank of Volume V contains a specified ideal gas (with constant specific heat) at P1, T1. A valve is now opened, allowing the gas to flow out until the pressure drops to P2. Determine T2 and m2 using stepwise solution in increments of pressure between P1 and P2, where the number of increments is variable.
  2. Write a computer program to solve the following problem. It is desired to fit a polynomial expression of degree n in the temperature for ideal gas specific heat, using as data the ideal gas enthalpy values for CO2 (follow this link, be careful about the reference enthalpy (enthalpy of formation), hf0). Accuracy of the correlation should be studied as a function of the temperature range of the fit, as well as the polynomial degree by comparing with the NASA polynomials for CO2 available on the web.

2nd Law
    Constructal Theory

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